Chauhan, A., & Singh, M. K. (2024). The Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Jharkhand: Case Study of Sabars. In R. Sharma, R. Pareek (Eds.), New Paradigms of Sustainability in the Contemporary Era (pp 57-69). CSMFL Publications.
In Jharkhand Sabars tribes, one of the most Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) tribes of 32 tribal communities of the Jharkhand state, predominately forest-dwelling tribe lack experience in agriculture and rely on the forest for their livelihood. It has been mentioned during then British Period, Sabars were categorized as ‘criminal tribes’ under the Criminal Tribes Act 1871, and still fighting with social stigma and ostracism in modern times. Sabars have an inherent art of making tokri, sup, basket, hats and other handicrafts from Kanshi Grass, bamboo and palm leaves. Till 1996, they used to make baskets, mats and broom from Kanshi grass and sell it in the local village haat/weekly market at throw away prices. In the present situation, with the support and dedication of the Government of Jharkhand and some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Sabars have been trying to make their way towards an innovative world and nowadays, the Sabars are trying to create a different platform, not only for their existence but the main focus is on the preservation of their inherent art while doing the business. Many families of Sabars tribe are being trained through the Government of Jharkhand projects like – Palash. So that they could improve their handmade useful craft to better marketability and entrepreneurial abilities. Whereas in the age of digitalization and sustainability lot has to be done for Sabars. Finally, they are needed to be motivated towards their entrepreneurial abilities and to create a suitable and sustainable marketing platform for their products.
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