Profiling Chinese Student Interpreters’ Usage Intention of ChatGPT-assisted Translation by Q Methodology

by Cui CUI
College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China; School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan City Polytechnic, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China.


Cui, C. (2024). Profiling Chinese Student Interpreters’ Usage Intention of ChatGPT-assisted Translation by Q Methodology. In T. Chuanmao & D. Juntao, Translating the Future: Exploring the Impact of Technology and AI on Modern Translation Studies (pp 137-176). CSMFL Publications.


This study investigates the Chinese student interpreters’ usage intention of ChatGPT-assisted translation with Q methodology. Guided by technology acceptance theory (TAM), the research aims to explore the usage intention profiles and consensus, as well as the differences between them. Q sort tasks were undertaken by 30 participants, and their commentary data was elicited to complement Q sort analysis. From the factor analysis, four factors were obtained, namely deeper-purpose seekers, big picture reflectors, deep understanders and coordinators. The distinguishing statements include the subject, technology, information and society elements. The article concludes with a discussion of the pedagogical implications of learning interpreting of university students.

Keywords: : Usage intention profiles; ChatGPT-assisted translation; Chinese student interpreters; Q methodology

This chapter is a part of: Translating the Future: Exploring the Impact of Technology and AI on Modern Translation Studies

© CSMFL Publications & its authors.
Published: November 12, 2024


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