Is it Training or Professional Development? Towards an Alternative Approach in Professional Growth for EFL/ESL Teachers

by Hasan Mohsen Al-Wadi
Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.



Teacher education nowadays enjoys a high priority for officials and decision makers within the education sector in general and the field of English language teaching in specific. The understanding and determination of the main elements that constitute a particular teacher education programme for language teachers, such as the approach, structure and content is fundamental when designing any teacher education programme for novice language teachers to be qualified to perform sufficiently in the profession. This paper presents a critical review of the main approaches in the in-service programmes as a one type of the teacher education programmes in relation to the main concepts ―training, ―development and ―education, with a special reference to the reality of teacher education programme for English language teachers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The paper also offers an alternative approach with its elements for English language teachers’ training and development.

Keywords: Professional Development, Professional Growth, Training, EFL, ESL, Teachers,

This chapter is a part of: Innovations in Educational Leadership and Continuous Teachers’ Professional Development (Eds. Osama Al Mahdi, Ph.D.)

© CSMFL Publications & its authors.


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