Community, Connections and Innovation in Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning

by Sandra Healy
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan.


Healy, S. (2021). Community, Connections and Innovation in Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning. In D. Koyama (Ed.), Development of Innovative Pedagogical Practices for a Modern Learning Experience (pp 141-168). Jagadhri, HR: CSMFL Publications.


The emergence of the Covid-19 virus had an enormous impact on all of our lives and significantly affected the lives of first-year university students in Japan who began their tertiary education during the initial lockdown. This chapter examines the impact the move online had on these students by analysing videos created by them as part of their academic English as a Foreign Language (EFL) coursework. The videos were analysed, and 12 themes emerged which were used as a foundation for new practices focusing on the development of community and connections in online courses, particularly the use of e-mentors.

Keywords: Online learning, emergency remote teaching and learning, digital inclusion, e-mentors, video analysis

This is a part of: Development of Innovative Pedagogical Practices for a Modern Learning Experience (Eds. Dennis Koyama, Ph.D.)

© CSMFL Publications & its authors.


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