A Method to Develop Critical Thinking: Playing the Devil’s Advocate

by Sean Eric Kil Patrick Gay
School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan.


Gay, S. (2021). A Method to Develop Critical Thinking: Playing the Devil’s Advocate. In D. Koyama (Ed.), Development of Innovative Pedagogical Practices for a Modern Learning Experience (pp 269-292). Jagadhri, HR: CSMFL Publications. https://dx.doi.org/10.46679/978819484836310


The ability to think critically is at the foundation of an equitable and just society. One aspect of critical thinking (CT) is the ability to create and develop structurally sound arguments. Curricular requirements often restrict addressing this issue. Furthermore, students arguing their own opinions often assume agreement and therefore do not see a need to fully explain. As such, I examined how CT can be developed through the use of a timed-writing activity wherein the students argue against their own positions. I employed an action research approach to compare CT development in the intervention class with another class that did not receive the intervention. Analysis of the data suggested that this method was effective, and that encouragement of dissociation has a positive effect on CT development in students.

Keywords: Critical Thinking, Curricular design, pedagogy

This is a part of: Development of Innovative Pedagogical Practices for a Modern Learning Experience (Ed. Dennis Koyama, Ph.D.)

© CSMFL Publications & its authors.


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