Product Reviews: Analyzing Sentiment, Identifying Trends, and Designing Marketing Strategies

by Sunil Sharma
Managing Partner, SKS Consulting & Advisors, India


Sharma, Sunil (2023). Product Reviews: Analyzing Sentiment, Identifying Trends, and Designing Marketing Strategies. In Managing Product Reviews: A Comprehensive Guide for Brands and Businesses (pp 74-92). CSMFL Publications.


Today, online product reviews have become an essential part of consumer’s decision-making process. It is crucial for businesses to analyze and make sense of the information contained in these reviews, as they can make or break a product or a brand. Product reviews can provide valuable insight into customer sentiments, identify trends and patterns, and ultimately help businesses improve their products and services. The purpose of this chapter is to examine the key concepts and methods for analysing product reviews, including sentiment analysis, trend identification, and the use of reviews to inform marketing strategies. By mastering these skills, businesses will be able to leverage the power of online product reviews to enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales.

Keywords: Product reviews, sentiment analysis, trend identification, marketing strategies

This is a part of: Managing Product Reviews: A Comprehensive Guide for Brands and Businesses by Sunil Sharma

© CSMFL Publications & its authors.


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