A Reformative Approach to Sustainability of Clinical Legal Education: Role of Communication Technology in Healthcare Sustainability in India
by Apeksha1, Abhilasha Sisodia2 1Department of Languages (English) – Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (NIET), India 2KCC Institute of Legal and Higher Education, Greater Noida, India
Apeksha, & Sisodia, A. (2024). A Reformative Approach to Sustainability of Clinical Legal Education: Role of Communication Technology in Healthcare Sustainability in India. In R. Sharma, R. Pareek (Eds.), New Paradigms of Sustainability in the Contemporary Era (pp 15-24). CSMFL Publications. https://dx.doi.org/10.46679/9788195732289ch02
Clinical legal education (CLE), formerly a conception confined to a single country, is now a highly praised, widely accepted approach on a global scale. Universities, legal schools, professionals and researchers in the field of law, non-governmental groups, and students all share a growing zeal of fervour for this newly developed notion. A growing corpus of literature concentrating on various creativities, concepts, and techniques has been sufficient to broaden its spectrum of operability, ethics, and grounds. Nevertheless, there is a little body of scholarly research on the long-term viability of CLE. While it may seem obvious, there are certain crucial sustainable criteria that will determine whether CLE continues to stay or not. So, it seems of sense to think about how law clinics can contribute to a long-term clinical practice for healthcare sustainability in India. To propel clinical pedagogy ahead and increase the efficacy of legal clinics and clinical activities, this paper explores essential sustainable characteristics that are thought to be significant enhancers. Technology can promote informal communication between law students and professors, providing more input to students and more flexibility to facilitate mutual participation, educator interaction, and feedback. Clinical legal education should use emerging tools to train law students for their future lives, in which research and communications technology can play a significant part. The study provides a framework for guaranteeing not just the preservation of the CLE’s pragmatic conventional wisdom, but also the encouragement of clinical diversity and functioning in a way that assures inclusion.
Keywords: Clinical Legal Education, Health Sustainability, Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
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