Educational Management vis-à-vis Educational Leadership

by Sana Al Haddad
Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.



This chapter offers the general concepts, definitions, characteristics, brief history and theoretical framework of educational management in comparison to educational leadership. It deliberates the diverse modern educational leadership and management models, and how they might be applied within different educational situations.

It is also an introduction to the concept of educational change, organizational change and the role of educational leadership in change. In addition, it will highlight the most important strategies in managing change, the challenges it faces and ways to overcome resistance to change. This chapter will be for researchers and leaders in the field of education, whether they are school principals, experts or school senior teachers and all those interested in leadership matters from practitioners of both students and administrators.

Keywords: Educational leadership, Educational Management, Management Change

This chapter is a part of: Innovations in Educational Leadership and Continuous Teachers’ Professional Development (Eds. Osama Al Mahdi, Ph.D.)

© CSMFL Publications & its authors.


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