Strategic Planning Effectiveness and Leadership for Educational Institutions
by Aieman Ahmad Al-Omari
Higher Education Administration The Hashemite University, Dept. of Educational Foundations and Administration, Zarqa, Jordan
Sabbatical at: Department of Educational Foundations and administration, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
The purpose of this chapter aimed to determine strategic planning, and strategic planning effectiveness that helped to improve leadership for educational institutions. Discusses the literature review used as a methodology for conducting research on strategic planning and leadership in educational institutions. Findings of this paper related to future leaders of educational institutions may need to use data-driven decision-making skills as work continues at their school and changes are made to meet community needs. Originality/Value: Future of educational institutions leaders, should be knowledgeable of the research and data that’s out there so that we keep tuned in to what different kinds of strategies are working, understanding how we evaluate what we are doing.
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