Ó Ceallaigh, T.J. (2021). Blended Learning Immersion Teacher Education: Evidence-Based Practices and Data-Driven Instruction. In D. Koyama (Ed.), Development of Innovative Pedagogical Practices for a Modern Learning Experience (pp 1-30). Jagadhri, HR: CSMFL Publications. https://dx.doi.org/10.46679/978819484836301
The practice of blending different learning approaches and strategies in higher-level education is not new, yet our understanding of how to design the most effective and efficient blend remains incomplete. Challenges are further compounded when students are not fully proficient in the language of instruction. However, teacher educators learn about teaching through learning about student learning. Evidence-based practices and data-driven instruction create conditions for success in blended learning design and implementation. This chapter reviews the impact of a blended learning professional development (PD) initiative, with a dual focus on language and content, on Irish-medium immersion (IMI) teacher development. Findings provide unique insights in relation to the effectiveness of a blended learning PD experience as indicated by student motivation, autonomy and success. Linguistic and pedagogical capacity were fostered and community cultivated. Lessons learned and tutor reflections are also shared in an attempt to advance learning in the field and to cultivate future innovation in policy, practice and possibilities.
Keywords: Immersion education; content and language integration; blended learning; teacher development; professional development
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